Archive for the ‘Faith and Business’ Category

7 Wealth Secrets of the Rainforest

July 17, 2008

Michael Q. Pink, author of the bestselling “Selling Among Wolves” shares a free report on the “7 Wealth Secrets of the Rainforest”.

Here are the first two paragraphs of the report:

Some History

For centuries explorers have hacked their way through the jungles in search of riches, unaware they were surrounded by untold wealth if they only had eyes to see. There is so much information, so much revelation waiting to be harvested by studying the created order and in particular the highly abundant, lush rainforests found in tropical regions around the world. In recent years scientists have begun exploring the rainforest in search of cures for all manner of diseases and with much success too. They have begun to recognize some of the wealth hidden in the primitive rainforests the world over.

But there’s more. Much more. As we move beyond the industrial economy to a more knowledge-based economy, business is beginning to recognize that the real profit to be earned from nature comes from the principles by which it flourishes, more than the exploitation of its resources. By rightly discerning what makes the rainforest so fruitful and productive despite having to work with limited resources, (poor, shallow topsoil) and by wisely interpreting the systems of the rainforest, we can begin to assemble a model for business that has tremendous potential to revolutionize our businesses and our lives. Indeed, the way forward in business is to become more like a complex living system that adapts to change, conserves resources and produces abundance – all without breaking a sweat!

Fail Your Way to Success…

July 8, 2008

Whenever I feel down (but never out) about my business, the examples of great men never cease to inspire me.

There is probably no greater example of a man who overcame failure as this:

Failed in business in 1831.

Defeated in legislature in 1832.

Again failed in business in 1833.

Nervous breakdown in 1836.

Defeated for speaker in 1838.

Defeated for elector in 1840.

Defeated for Congress in 1843.

Elected to Congress in 1846.

Defeated for Congress in 1848.

Defeated for Senate in 1855.

Defeated for vice president in 1856.

Defeated for Senate in 1858.

Finally elected as the 16th President of the United States of America in 1860. And one of the greatest Presidents. His name… Abraham Lincoln.

Perry Marshall and the Proverbs of Solomon

July 8, 2008

As some of you may know, Perry Marshall is the acknowledged Google Adwords guru. While browsing through his writings, I discovered the wealth of business wisdom that the Proverbs of Solomon readily offers to those who seek it.

Perry Marshall wrote: “Most business people talk about Think and Grow Rich or 7 Habits of Highly Effective People or How to Win Friends and Influence People (none of which make my top list) but this book beats all others, hands down. No contest. If I had to take one business book to a desert Island, it would be Proverbs. Written by the Jewish king Solomon in ~1000BC, it’s got more common sense and wisdom per paragraph than any other book anywhere, period. You can read one of its 31 chapters each day this month. I can’t tell you how many times the advice in Proverbs has saved me from serious peril.”

Let’s all go back to the source of all wisdom…

High Trust Selling: Make More Money in Less Time with Less Stress

July 8, 2008

As mentioned in my first post, the making of this blog has been inspired by Todd Duncan’s book “High Trust Selling: Make More Money in Less Time with Less Stress”.

John C. Maxwell highly recommended the book when he wrote: “Todd Duncan’s desire to help people discover their purpose and develop their God-given potential is apparent in everything he does, and his latest book is no exception. High Trust Selling is not only a reflection of who Todd is, it is clear portrait of who he desires you, the reader, to become. Todd’s words will empower you with the tools necessary to become a great leader in selling. But more than that, they will also compel you to maximize your potential in life.”

Long-term sales success happens when high trust exists- when you are a trustworthy salesperson running a trustworthy sales business.

Let’s hear from Todd himself: “I have been a frustrated salesperson. I have lost big accounts, or failed to nail them down. I have gone too long between sales. And I have been Joe Salesperson. In fact, it was at that point in my career – when I had the big bank account, fast car, and nice house – that I finally opened my eyes to the damage I was doing by selling solely to attain outward success.

“Those of you that have heard me speak may know that I was a cocaine addict for two years. And over that period of time I spent nearly eighty thousand dollars on the drug du jour. On the outside, I appeared to be very successful, and for that matter, most people probably thought I was satisfied as well. Remember, I was Joe Salesperson. I had the fat bank account, the Porsche Carrera Cabriolet, the nice place at the beach, custom-made suits, expensive toys, you name it. But the truth is that I was running on empty and my destruction was imminent. Fortunately, I pulled myself out of that pit before it was too late. Or to be more precise, my purpose pulled me out.”

On laying the foundation to becoming a trustworthy salesperson, Todd Duncan expounds on the following laws:

The Law of the Iceberg: The Truest Measure of Your Success is Invisible to Your Clients

The Law of the Summit: Your Direction is a Result of Your Perception

The Law of the Shareholder: Successful Salespeople Buy Stocks in Themselves

The Law of the Ladder: The Success You Achieve is Directly Related to the Steps You Conceive

The Law of Leverage: You’re Less Likely to Fail When You’ve Told Others You Will Succeed

The Law of the Hourglass: You Must Make Your Moves Before Your Time Runs Out

The Law of the Broom: To Build Your Business Up, You Must First Clean it Up

We will cover more of these laws in the future posts.

8 Secrets of the Truly Rich

July 8, 2008

Bo Sanchez is one of the Christian entrepreneurs influencing my life and business. Among his many bestselling books is “8 Secrets of the Truly Rich: How You Can Create Material Wealth and Gain Spirtiual Abundance at the Same Time”. The book is about changing your inner software. Bo wrote: “For over 25 years, I’ve been working among the poor, living in their homes and helping them get out of poverty. I’ve found out that no matter how much money people receive, unless they change their inner program, nothing happens. They will indeed remain poor forever.”

The writing of Bo’s book must have been influenced by Wallace Wattles who wrote: “There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty.”

In a nutshell, the “secrets” are:

Secret 1: Be Totally Responsible for Your Success

Secret 2: Enlarge Your Psychological Wallet

Secret 3: Get Rid of Crazy Religious Beliefs

Secret 4: Be Totally Committed to Your Dreams

Secret 5: Raise Your Financial I.Q.

Secret 6: Ride Something to Wealth

Secret 7: Have a Bias for Action

Secret 8: Win in All Areas

The book isn’t about being rich only. It is about being rich so that you can give your wealth to God and let Him do what He wishes with it.

You may want to read excerpts of the book at Bo’s blog

Dani Johnson Giving Glory to God

July 8, 2008

Dani Johnson, as many of you know, is a top trainer in network marketing. I hope you will be blessed watching this video interview of her by Tom Beal.

When I Say I am a Christian

July 8, 2008

When I say … I am a Christian, I’m not shouting “I am saved.” I’m whispering “I get lost”, That is why I chose this way.

When I say … I am a Christian, I don’t speak of this with pride. I’m confessing that I stumble and need someone to be my guide.

When I say … I am a Christian, I’m not trying to be strong. I’m professing that I am weak and pray for strength to carry on.

When I say … I am a Christian, I’m not bragging of success. I’m admitting I have failed and cannot ever pay the debt.

When I say… I am a Christian, I’m not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are too visible but God believe I’m worth it.

When I say… I am a Chrisatian, I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches which is why I seek HIS name.

When I say… I am a Christian, I do not wish to judge. I have no authority. I only know I’m loved.

Author Unknown